Get in Shape with GOM Mix


Hello, everyone!  



When it's time for the holidays, everyone travels a lot.  


Some people may be worried about taking photos or videos because of the file weight that has increased.  




But guys, did you know that you can also retouch your body on videos?  


In general, many people think that only photos can be retouched via Photoshop.    




But nowadays, you can also retouch through videos!  


In the past, one of the reasons why video retouching, including body contouring, was a difficult task was because it had to be corrected frame by frame.  


But now, video enhancement can be done with simple operations.




Recently, many video editing programs have been created, and their functions are becoming more diverse.


Among them, I would like to show you how to retouch the person in the video more easily and quickly with GOM Mix 2024. 


Essential information for those who are planning to travel or go on a vacation!


Tips on video retouching, let's get started, shall we?  







01 Basic settings for body retouching with video editing


02 Let's get the perfect body shape with video retouching! How to reshape your body with videos!



Part 1. Basic settings for body retouching with video editing


As I mentioned earlier, you can easily retouch your body on video with Gom Mix Max. 


In just two steps, you'll be able to create a vlog video that you love! 


We'll take you step by step, so stay tuned! 


First, create a project and import a video to retouch your body.  



Before you start retouching, it's a no-brainer to cut and edit only the parts you want to use! 



Once you've finished editing the cuts, you can copy the clips and paste them into the track directly above the video. 





Part 2. Let's get the perfect body shape with video retouching! How to reshape your body with videos!



If you followed the steps above, you're done with the basic settings for body retouching. 


From now on, it's all about the details. 



Go to the Effects tab and select [Rotate Perspective X.Y.Z],



set the X-axis from -2 to -5, and adjust the video size. 


It gives you a square cropping effect. 


Keep in mind that you'll need to apply the effect to the video clip on the top track! 


If you work on a video clip that's on a lower track, it's hidden from view by the higher track that you can’t see it. 



Position the square crop where you want to correct it, and adjust its size. 


Then, change the 'rotation' and 'curvature' values and adjust the degree of distortion in detail, and you're done. 


There is also an area reversal function, so it would be nice to use it in various ways depending on the situation! 







This was all about video portrait retouching. 


What do you think? Isn't it simpler than you think? 




As long as you pay attention to the details, you will be able to make a successful portrait retouching video. 


However, if you overdo the body retouching, it will show in the video, so make sure you don’t take it too far. 


In order to not look spotty, it is important to be in harmony with the surrounding environment.


If you haven't shot a vlog video yet, we recommend shooting the portrait in a place where the background is not complicated! 


The more complex the background, the more difficult it is to retouch the body. 


Especially when it comes to wallpaper with a consistent pattern, it can look unnatural when retouching your body, so be careful! 




Nowadays, various video editing programs are coming out, and they provide many functions that we need. 


GOM Mix 2024 is one of them! 


I hope that the body retouching features that I have told you about today will help you a lot. 


There are many other useful features in GOM Mix 2024, so take a look! 


Why don't you check out our other posts on our blog? 




In the past, you may have felt that the barriers to shooting or editing videos were high, but now I think it's good that anyone can edit videos with the features they want. 


I hope you will practice video editing a lot through GOM Mix 2024! 




If you have any questions about video editing, feel free to leave them in the comments! 




That's it for today's post! 


We hope you all have a great trip! We'll be back next time with some more tips. 


See you in the next post~! 





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